Dinosaur Park! Wow! It is so cool to wander up the trail and see Rapid City from 1,000 new viewpoints. The new path and walkway have remade the facility, framing the dinosaurs with respect and care. And Rapid City is loving it. We are seeing recognition for the work the contractors have done and the revitalization of the park as a tourist destination.
Dinosaur Park is nearing completion!
Don't think we can imagine anything more gratifying than enabling access to a place that previously couldn’t have only been experienced from the bottom of the hill by those with limited mobility. End of June 2024 we got to tour Dinosaur Park with members of the Disability Awareness and Accessibility Committee, the Mayor, and several City Council members and it really hit home how much this project opens a loved Black Hlls icon to those that couldn’t reach the top before! Honored to be part of it! #thisislandscapearchitecture #universaldesign
Made the news too: KOTA / KEVN
Matt got to be on camera: KELOLAND
Dickinson's Legacy Square starts to show it's strength!
When our friends at JLG asked us to help with this project, we knew it had the potential to transform the Dickinson downtown and shape generations of experience for locals. The project team was great and the City persevered making a one-of-a-kind destination that invites their whole community to gather.
And now. . . well folks are noticing! This is from the Legacy Square Facebook Page:
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫: 𝐃𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐜𝐲 𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞
The Main Street Excellence award is given to recognize communities whose efforts embody all four pillars of the Main Street Initiative: Smart, Efficient Infrastructure; 21st Century Workforce; Economic Diversification, and Healthy, Vibrant Communities.
The City of Dickinson is incredibly proud of the addition of Dickinson Legacy Square to our downtown community. From its original conceptualization to our first full season of programming, it has been a work and labor of love from our community.
We are grateful to those involved in the planning and design, construction, fundraising, and staffing, and to all who have donated to make this dream a reality. We feel truly privileged and honored to be recognized with the Governor’s Main Street Excellence Award and we look forward to the continued community partnerships and shared success that this venue will bring to the City of Dickinson.
The write up in the Dickinson Free Press highlights the governor’s presentation of the award! Very cool. The accompanying video is chill: check it out over in Facebook!
Beyond that it feels like Legacy Square is helping the movers and shakers of the City think about how they prioritize investment in their city - keeping it local! Here’s a quick news report on that!
And here’s one that show’s how fun it is down there!
Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' Complex!
We’ve been working with GFP for the last couple of years to create a world class shooting sports complex north of Rapid City. It has been a huge learning experience, and pretty darn fun. Still debating if we’ll have a firm skeet shoot or what!
Lemongrass and Tallgrass!
If you love something unique and fun, you should get over to Lemongrass in Hill City when they open up again in the Spring. I was reminded of the tasty flavors and cool atmosphere when I stumbled across this interview with Chuck, one half of the awesome owner team. He’s out front, and his wife is making the magic happen!
Chuck came to us with an idea, and it evolved over time becoming the smoothly flowing indoor outdoor gathering place where you can enjoy lunch or dinner and a few drinks while watching the train pull in across the highway. We made some plans and helped with the vision, but those guys made it happen with their own blood, sweat, and tears!
Here’s a little story. . .
Timothy Schuler of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE came to visit us last summer. We toured him around the Hills. We told him stories about rural Landscape Architecture practice. We introduced him to the dogs, Mike Stahl, and the Custer Wolf. We shared family stories and heard about life as a writer. What a fun time.
Then a few months went by and while we knew we were going to have a short article written about our work in the northern hills we had no idea it was going to be on the COVER of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MAGAZINE!
We were driving when we found out and had to pull over and hyperventilate while we processed!
The October cover of Landscape Architecture Magazine featured our work in Lead! Wow!
This issue was the current issue during the 2023 Landscape Architecture Convention in Minneapolis and man, did we feel honored.
This article is fantastically written, with beautiful photography by Louise Johns - an amazing photographer who has a film about her father and her called “The Wonder and the Worry” premiering at Big Sky Documentary Film Festival @bigskydocfest in Missoula, MT on February 25th. She’s amazing. And so is Timothy. We are so happy to have gotten to know them both.
The article is a good summation of our philosophy of working in small towns and rural communities. You can read it with a free Zinnio account here.
Summer 2023 Construction Activity
Normal day in the life of Mike Bender:
Wake up early and stagger out the door to check forms at Dinosaur Park.
Navigate Rapid City Street Construction to find a way up to Dinosaur Park.
Park on the north half of the lot at Dinosaur Park, grab the digital level, and get ready to relay bad news about sidewalk cross slopes being over 2%.
Climb the hill to the current pour location.
Exchange a few barbs with the crew tying steel together.
Be pleasantly surprised with the forms!
Hang out until the pump truck and concrete arrive.
Observe placement.
Check watch!
Yikes! Time to head to Spearfish!
Repeat steps 5-8 once he’s in Spearfish!
Grab something cold to drink.
Arrive back at the office just in time to download a stack of pictures and write up a couple observation reports.
Exchange a couple memes with the team regarding concrete.
Check the news.
The boys at Complete got themselves an award!
Cemeteries are always interesting project sites, and we are proud of our long history in Deadwood working around the final resting places of some of the Black Hills Legends. We’ve tackled a few projects up there, and recent improvements that Complete Contracting Solutions accomplished received an award from the Construction Industry for the stone masonry.
Nice work guys!
Rural Futures Collaborative
At Tallgrass, we think a lot about rural places and what they need to thrive (thanks for the language about that Dakota Resources!). Access to good design that speaks to the needs and values of each community is only a part of that equation. Tanya had the incredible opportunity to present some of our experiences and the important lessons rural communities and people have taught us as part of the Rural Design Now session at the ASLA conference last fall in San Francisco. And now we are excited to share our contribution to the Rural Futures Collaborative. Check it out!
Custer's Old Elementary School Comes Down
Watching Custer’s Elementary School come down the last month and a half is a little bittersweet for Tallgrass Principle Matt. He can remember hunting for garnets while waiting in line to go in the south side door, eating lunch in the old lunch room downstairs, and the big deal when they built the new lunch room / gym! There were a lot of memories for Custer in that building and seeing it go completely away seems like a waste.
Interesting to look back at some of the work we’ve done around this site over the years. We originally worked on a site master plan for the facility which included public meetings, lots of discussion, and a healthy report. This was with Gene Fennell and was super interesting for us to bring our efforts to our hometown. Here’s the Master Plan graphic from that effort.
One thing you’ll notice in that image is a FUTURE POOL! In my mind the pool would have had a climbing wall above it, movie nights, and a zero depth entry. Unfortunately, Custer has never had a Lottery winner so the pool was never that serious of a consideration. However, if you ask around - that pool is the main reason lots of folks in town buy the powerball!
Another project that was interesting for Matt was the sculpture Vigilance from Burning Beetle. Where do you place Vigilance in town? At the time, the end of 4th Street was planned to be the entry of the new Community Center, so it seemed like the logical place. The City agreed and that’s where it was installed. Now we are wondering if we need to move it!
Here’s the plan Matt Made for the Arts Council and Cappie (the artist).
Our Inspiration! Sharon Vogel!
One of our most important collaborations has been with the Cheyenne River Housing Authority in Eagle Butte, SD. The whole staff there is really great, but their leadership team is inspirational beyond our ability to relate. Sharon Vogel is the Executive Director and her knowledge and understanding of housing in Cheyenne River and the State of South Dakota is unparalleled.
Well, we were googling along and found this incredible interview with her that you should stop everything and immediately read.
Over the years the many and varied projects we’ve worked on with this group have been awesome, frustrating, agonizing, hopeful, and difficult. There are real issues, real opportunities, and real challenges here. And really - no better leader to navigate these demands than Sharon. It is really interesting to hear/read her talk about these issues. Her context for their work stretches from Washington D.C. to Thunder Butte and her passion for helping her people is all over this page. Wow.
The one image in the article is from the Badger Subdivision Master Plan that we co-created with CRHA and our design team at the time. These documents are evolutionary and it is interesting to see how things move and change with new opportunities.
How I found Tallgrass.
My name is Rachel Drietz and here’s the story of how I ended up at Tallgrass Landscape Architecture.
During college I was looking for a part-time job to help pay living expenses and I ended up getting an interview at a local brewery. The owner interviewed me and ultimately decided not to hire me because I would be graduating in the spring, and he didn’t think it would be feasible to hire me just for me to leave in a few months.
After the interview we got to talking and he asked about what I was going to college for, where I was from, so on and so on. When I told him I was going to college for Landscape Architecture, he said “Hey, have you heard of Tallgrass?”. I said, “Yes, because they had come to an SDSU Christmas banquet a few years ago.” Turned out that he grew up in Custer and he knew Matt. Talk about a small world, here I am trying to just get a part-time job and this man hands me a business card with a phone number to contact Tallgrass. Who knew a simple interview at a brewery could set the course for the start of my career.
Graduation was just around the corner, and I finally decided to reach out. They invited me to come out and chat with them. I was so nervous, but they were so easy to talk to and they made me feel so comfortable. They weren’t sure if they would be able to take me on as a new employee, but they said they would let me know! A few days later Tanya called me to offer me a job just for the summer and of course I accepted. A promise of three months turned into five years and the rest is history.
Tallgrass Book Club: Pushed Out
Ryanne Pulgeram offers an alarming glimpse into the structural forces behind rural gentrification that impacts many communities in rural America, particularly the West. A must-read for any landscape architect that works in rural or "tourist" areas - or who comes from a rural hometown that goes to revitalize the community through development.
Tallgrass Restaurant Guide #1
We get to travel around a bit and enjoy finding those restaurants we absolutely love to visit. There are too many to list, but we’ll give you the insider’s guide for a few of our favorite spots in our favorite towns in our favorite side of our state!
El Jefe’s in Lead South Dakota: Matt says that Tanya will make excuses to have extra meeting in the northern hills if it means lunch at El Jefe’s.
Custer Wolf in Custer is our home base. Our office away from the office. Come on down and we’ll buy you a beer under the patio. Love this place. You can leave us messages in mug 42.
Buffalo Dreamer is our special treat night out in Hot Springs.
Silk Road. Man. Hot Springs. We’d climb mountains to eat with Farruk and Merri who once saved Matt’s life with lunch. He was hungry, and at the end of his road and they were there! So good. Yum. And - bonus - there may be a dance party at Silk Road when you arrive! Or, if you are lucky you might get to experience Silk Road when they take over The Space, a cool multi-function venue around the corner in Hot Springs.
We have so many more. . . so check back for more updates.
The Space.
Arts Council Project - Arts Midwest Okaidja
Here’s a follow up letter for the awesome and amazing experience Matt had with Okaidja Afroso and his ensemble while they were in town for the Arts Midwest World Fest! It was really amazing. Check out Okaidja’s music. He’s a star!
November 7, 2022
Dear Friends!
On behalf of our team at the Custer Area Arts Council, thank you for your participation in the fall 2022 Arts Midwest’s World Fest Okaidja Afroso Ensemble residency in the Southern Black Hills. I hope that you each got to experience some aspect of the visit with the ensemble. I’ve heard from many that it was very meaningful to them, and I’d like to share a couple moments that meant a lot to me!
The visit to the Children’s Home Society was an especially poignant and touching exchange. Okaidja spoke directly to the kids and told them to always do what they love – he loved to dance as a kid, and it made all the difference. Many made fun of him and told him to work! Work! Work! And he did – at dancing, and look – it brought him around the world to see these kids!
I was also enthralled to see him welcome the group at the State Veteran’s Home and instantly gain their attention and focus by telling them that nothing starts until our elders are all here with us. The ensemble’s respect and camaraderie with the resident’s instantly connected them.
The school visits in Hermosa, Custer (with the Elk Mountain School attending), and Hot Springs were also each unique and engaging. I was only able to see the High School concert in Custer, but I was impressed that Okaidja could handle an entire room of teens like he had them all in his living room. And the performance was great!
The final performance was incredible, and I was just in awe - so impressed that they came to our town to play. I asked Okaidja what the most memorable experience he’s had via Arts Midwest was before this concert, and he said visiting the Black Hills! So, thank you all – I know you made an impression on them.
Each of the other performers were also so fun and interesting to get to know. Did you know Habiba has her own education business teaching about African arts and culture in schools? Randy has at least two other side bands! Israel said he was retired, but obviously is only touring MOST of the time! He said he like to play with Okaidja because “he knows what he is doing.”
Thanks again for being great hosts and friends to the Custer Area Arts Council and the Chautauqua Artisans of the Black Hills – the local hosting organizations for this program. It is a three-year program, and there will be six total performing ensembles, Including Okaidja Afroso as our initial artist. It looks like the fall programs will continue to be hosted by Custer, and the spring programs will be hosted by Hot Springs. Each visit will be a little bit different, and we will coordinate with you again as the time approaches to explore if and how you’d like to participate in the upcoming event.
Thanks particularly to the hosting venues. You made us all feel very welcome – and especially so the ensemble. Each member told me they felt very welcomed here. Eric Smith, their road manager was also very generous with his kind words about the program here.
A little more about the program:
A program of Arts Midwest, the 2022 World Fest artist tours are generously supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies.
Arts Midwest is also generously supported by the Illinois Arts Council Agency, Indiana Arts Commission, Iowa Arts Council, Michigan Arts and Culture Council, Minnesota State Arts Board, North Dakota Council on the Arts, Ohio Arts Council, South Dakota Arts Council, Wisconsin Arts Board, 3M, Crane Group, and individual donors and partners.
Locally, this program was made possible by a generous contribution from Custer Hospitality to host the ensemble at the Super 8 by Wyndham. The Custer Beacon helped us organize both the Barn Dance and the Saturday concert. Dave’s World Tours and Crazy Horse Memorial helped us share the Black Hills with the ensemble. As did the Custer Wolf, Calamity Janes’, Silk Road, Good Karma, Custer Chamber, The Custer County Chronicle, the Burning Beetle squad, French Creek Folk, Katie Lautenschlager, Rebecca Cruse and the SD Arts Council, and many other generous contributors. Custer Area Arts Council programs are all generously supported by the Oswald Family Foundation. Thanks to all these folks! A million times – thank you!
So, with that, I wish you all a long and cozy winter! If you have any questions, please reach out to me directly.
Yours in the arts,
Matt Fridell, President
Custer Area Arts Council
c. 605.517.1899
o. 605.673.3167
h. 605.673.5517
Hermosa Elementary School Grand Opening
Phase 1 of the elementary school remodel is complete! See the article at New Center 1!
State Office Building!
Our buddies over at Stateline are taking over the skyline of Casper with their new building!
This is a project we’ve been collaborating with them on since 2014. We explored multiple sites, multiple layouts, multiple concepts, and ultimately developed a plan inspired by the historic railroad yard where it sits.
Watch for more news as construction wraps up this fall (2021).
Mt Moriah Restoration Projects
It’s pretty cool to have Mike Bender on the team and build on his work over the years in Deadwood on the various historic cemeteries on the hills above town. Mt. Moriah is one he has years of history working on.
In 2020, the City of Deadwood hired us to assist them with identifying additional repairs, maintenance and preservation needs within the over 140-year-old Cemetery. . . ..
The Hive
"The Hive" by Dale Lamphere being placed in the roundabout of Jackson Boulevard. Five years in the making, the utility and streetscape project is winding down to its close. As Dale says - this is the icing on the cake!
Rural Placemaking Advocates
Placemaking. . . . you do it every day you make change in your home town! What do we want from our hometowns? We want them to THRIVE!